Monday 3 September 2012

Falling in love with Kingston!

So I thought I would just do a post on how beautiful and fun Kingston and Queen's is. The houses here are so pretty! And they all have a porch, excellent for porch-drinking in the evening, as hordes of Queen's students do. As soon as I befriend someone with a share house, I am definitely doing it!

Also there are signs like this all over the place:

Today we went to an American football game. Even though I knew nothing about the rules, the energy was just amazing! There is so much going on, there's dance music and cheerleaders doing crazy flips and the students kitting out in crazy Queen's gear. Everyone wears the Queen's tricolor

Cheerleaders doing their thing

Also, ok, this is amazing - you know the empty bits in the middle of a donut? Tim Horton's (coffee chain) do a thing called TimBits which are the inside bits of donuts! They are $1.99 for 10 pieces - I am loving this place.

Aaand I had a 'poutine' today! I didn't even know what it was, except that it is Canadian. It's basically chips with cheese curds and gravy - and a lot of it. I ordered Delhi-licious which is poutine with chicken strips in butter chicken gravy. It's heart problem in a bowl - except it came in like a bucket, and I could only finish about 10% of it.

Alsooo just thought I'd post a pic of a Canadian Subway napkin, it's in French!:

More later, I'm about to drop dead on my feet now of exhaustion. Au revoir folks!

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