Canadian Scavenger Hunt

565 Points.  150 Days. (Well... roughly)

Not me or my friends. 

1. Eat maple syrup with bacon. (1 point)

2. Eat maple syrup with pretty much everything.  Develop a liking for maple syrup.  (1 point)

3. Punctuate sentences with "ey." (2 pts)

4. Go to an ice hockey game and cheer on the fights. (2 pts)

5. Spot a caribou/ moose/ elk/ form of Canadian antlered quadruped.  Learn which is the appropriate name.  (10 pts)

6. Shoot something... preferably not something that will earn me jail time.  (100pts)

7. Wear a mounty's hat. (5 pts)

8. Sing a Bryan Adams song in public. (20 pts)

9. Avoid any and all things to do with Justin Bieber. (10 pts)

10. See a Canadian band in concert. (20 pts)

11. Consume a Caesar... whatever it is. (5 pts)

12. See the Northern Lights. (50 pts...coz they're preeeeeetty)

13. Create a snow angel! (5 pts)

14. Have a snowball fight.  (5 pts)

15. Make an anatomically correct snow man.  A very anatomically correct snow man.  (15 pts, double for pictures)

16. Not get frostbite/ hypothermia/ the sniffles. (20 pts)

17. Read Anne of Green Gables over hot chocolate with Marshmallows.  (For a further reading list of Canadian literary splendour, click here.) (2 pts)

18. Wear 'old skool' snow shoes like these. (30 pts)

19. Get to the stage of being able to navigate places like Quebec without a French dictionary.  Or should I say sans one?  (50 pts)

20. Dance like Robin Sherbatsky in that Let's Go the Mall video clip in front of a Canadian flag!  See here for the clip. (50 pts)

21. Actually go to the mall. (1 pt... it's a basic convenience, I just think it's funny that Canadians call a shopping centre a mall.)

22. Get scooby bracelets. (1 pt per bracelet)

23. Visit Kensington Markets. (10 pts)

24.  Go Ice Skating on a lake.  That's a water sport, right? (50 pts for idyllic nature of this activity.)

25. Ski, and not die. (100 pts)

SCORE  ___ / 565

1 comment:

  1. You forgot:
    Go out for beer and wings

    Scrape the frost off your car windshield on the inside

    Get a Tim Horton's coffee and Canadian Maple donut
    over and over and
