Friday 31 August 2012

When in doubt, always wash your hair

So I'm sitting at Sydney International airport and pretty much twiddling my thumbs for another 4 hours. I've killed 3.5 hours already and my brain is dying. I've found a cosy niche between two ATMs to plug in my phone charger. I'm reading Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them on my Kindle but keep looking at my watch, hoping I am closer to checking in than right now. Ugh. Worst.

Anyway, yesterday was officially Packing Day, and even though I really couldn't put it off any longer, I didn't start packing until well into the morning. Of course, because I left it so late, there were about a million small things I had to keep track of, and last minute errands that were left literally to the very last minute. And then, you know the feeling when you have such a monumental amount of important shit to do, that you ignore all of it, and become fixated on this small meaningless and inconsequential thing instead? No? Is it just me?

For me, yesterday, it was the all-consuming question of 'should I wash my hair today, or leave it till I land at my final destination?'. So instead of planning my luggage and itinerary, I spent my time fretting about the freshness of my hair pre or post-departure. And that is when my sister imparted me these words of wisdom - 'When in doubt, always wash your hair'.

What a fantastic life philosophy to live by! Not only because it is always better to have freshly washed, Herbal Essences-smelling hair, but because most of my thinking time is done in the shower. And what do you know, I thought of a whole bunch of vital packing items, which I would now be missing if I hadn't washed my hair. Moral of the story: I am really really bored at the airport and I apologize for this random an irrelevant post. 

Sunday 26 August 2012

Creeping closer

It's almost time to start packing! 

Except I don't know what to pack, or where to put it. Numerous friends and family have offered varied, inconsistent and sometimes not-very-sensible suggestions as to luggage requirements.

My aim is not to have quite as many pieces of luggage as this person.

But I am not infamous for procrastination for nothing. Truth is, I'm putting off doing any real packing because then I will have to start saying my goodbyes, and that is too sad to do just yet!

A few tips that do seem to come up often in the wealth of travel advice I have been given, and which I will try to follow:

1. Rolling seems to be the way to go. Rolling clothes that is, into compact, airless-as-possible bundles. I've tried it out and it does save more space, so this one's a winner.

A professional roller. Wish my jeans rolled as tightly as hers. 

2. Don't pack fancy shoes. Okay, I know that this is well-intentioned advice as heels are heavy and awkward to pack and take up valuable room. HOWEVER. I think I will be taking just one pair of just-in-case-I-go-out black heels because What If.

Definitely nothing as ridiculous as these babies. 

3. Don't pack fancy clothes. This is something I realise will save me a lot of grief later on, so I will try to minimise packing party dresses. I think I might just take one Litte Black Dress though (she says, optimistically).

4. Toiletries/cosmetics: don't try to take everything in your bathroom drawer. This has been an agonizing decision for me, but I have forbidden myself from taking anything I haven't used in the past month. Plus, if the stories are anything to go by, cosmetics in Canada and the U.S. are way, way cheaper than Australia, so I'll be better off going empty and stocking up.

5. Don't panic and start buying shit you don't need, because it probably won't be suitable for overseas. Again, this is something I've had to try very hard to stop myself doing. I've limited myself to one sensible and thick (I hope) everyday jacket.

This is just the basics, and a lot of it is aimed at reducing baggage. This is because I am a hoarder by nature, coupled with the fact that I can barely carry anything weightier than a handbag (which The Boy occasionally has to carry for me) (man, I'm going to miss having someone carry my shit around for me).

So this is where I'm at right now:

As you can see, I have dumped a pile of clothing and what-not into an old suitcase that was retrieved from the spidery arms of the garden shed. Fingers crossed I don't forget anything important once I actually am packed!

Sunday 12 August 2012



This is an exchange blog for family and friends. In a very short little while, I will be leaving to study/party in a little town called Kingston in Ontario, at Queen’s University (it’s all very  faux-royal and exciting). From past experience with blogs (i.e. the one I started when I was 14) this will probably degenerate into a Dear Diary of broody ramblings. But even so! I will persist! And hopefully document some of my experiences, Instagrammed for your viewing pleasure.

A word about the url – 500 Days of Deblina. My lovely friend Emily helped me set up this blog, and I didn’t anticipate having to think of a clever and witty and PERMANENT url on the spot. So I cast my eyes around her room, noticed the DVD 500 Days of Summer (which happens to be one of my favourites) and this was my thought process:

Ooh! Love that movie. I could use a title like that. How long am I going for? About 5 months. What’s 5 times 30? Probably around 500, right? Done!

Of course, I realised about 30 seconds later that 5 months definitely did not equal 500 days, but there you go. Now I’m stuck with this. Who knows, maybe I will end up blogging for 500 days. (Unlikely, as I figured out that’s like 2 years). (Wait, that’s not right, is it?).